The ABCs: What American Tourists Planning Visits to African Destinations Need to Know

Want to go somewhere different this year or go back to the same place but in a more meaningful way? Why not Africa? Especially we Americans and others outside the African continent especially tend to not be knowledgeable about Africans unless we are immigrants from the continent, or more rarely, do frequent business, research, education,or leisure travel to Africa.

ASRAT offers socially responsibility “ culturally consciousness and justice oriented historical tours in African communities and nations to educate visitors about challenges confronting Africans, wildlife, and environments and Indigenous and more global efforts to resolve them, local living and volunteer opportunities to share knowledge and life experiences between local people and visitors while securing safe transportation and accommodations which are reasonably priced not exorbitant.

We also offer, as introduced here in 2023 -24 seminars such as the two described to break down stereotypes about Africans and about Americans and others potential visitors to African Destinations and African tourism operators.

This workshop, hosted by Prof. Dr. John Stanfield, ASARPI Group Director, aims to bridge this gap by providing essential insights for Americans planning visits to African destinations

Who Should Attend

  • Americans planning visits to African destinations.
  • Travel enthusiasts seeking unique and meaningful experiences.
  • Individuals interested in socially responsible tourism.
  • Tour operators and travel professionals looking to enhance their offerings.

Registration Fee: $100

Interested participants are required to complete the registration process to secure their spot in this enlightening workshop.

The registration fee covers access to the entire event, including Prof. Dr. John Stanfield’s expert insights, interactive discussions, and valuable resources.

To register, please click the “Register Now” button below, fill out the form, and proceed with the payment process.

Upon successful registration and payment, you will receive the meeting link and password, granting you access to this informative event on the specified date.

Note: Registration closes on 26th January 2024. Limited spots are available, so secure your place early to ensure your participation in this eye-opening workshop. For any inquiries or assistance, please contact us at +230 5517 1660 or

Event Date:

January 27th, 2023

Event Time:

10pm–1am (GMT +4)

Event Location:


Meeting ID:

Sent to Your Email After Payment

Meeting Link:

Sent to Your Email After Payment


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