The Mont Choisy Group highlights African culture and heritage
Proudly, as Director of ASARPI, I was invited to this unprecedented Mauritius private sector event on February 29th evening in the Mont Choisy Golf Club House by the CEO of Mont Choisy Group Dr.Jyoti Jeetun. I rose from my gout ridden sick bed and attended. I was elated I did. It reminded me of the importance of contemporary private sector leaders in societies with deep past and present plantation based economies rooted in labor systems such as enslaved African and indentured Indians to create sustaining places for not only needed memories of the past but also images of and strategies for reconciled futures as outcomes of all facets of the multiculturalism such past plantation economies invariably create and institutionalize.
What happens next in private sector Mauritius leadership circles hopefully in partnership with public sector leadership circles to facilitate needed ongoing genuine challenging listening and action conversations about understanding the plantation pasts of most Mauritius citizens to respect, appreciate, and embrace each other as brothers and sisters thus with the same human rights to be and do well in life? It would be a needed model for the rest of this deeply fractured world of intensely multi polarized nations to take note of and find culturally relevant ways to emulate in authentically effective ways rather than in the usual symbolic, piecemeal ways.
Professor John Huston Stanfield
March 2, 2024