Distinguished ASARPI Fellow
Victor Garland Lee
Victor Garland Lee studied social psychology and public health at Asia-Pacific International University and Political Economy at Finders University.
He works in the new rubric of Agro-ecological Epigenetics developed at Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD), teaching food security strategies to corporations, government department, NGOs, and philanthropists in Australia, USA, and Asia, on sustainability learning, innovation, and re-branding. His film productions include topics on global climate change and post-modern agriculture.
He is currently collaborating with corporate and government leaders in designing a Green Academy program with sustainable precision monoculturing of staple crops for agropolitan climate-smart rural development that integrates transparent agrivoltaics, aquaponics, with green building systems (using recycled agri-waste), reduction of water and mitigation of greenhouse gasses, carbon sequestration through his conception of the Sustainable Rhizosphere Improvement Innovations), as eco-commerce, essential for the Green MBA..