Why Bother to Come??

As an African Indigenous American in Africa , with all due respect, please allow me to say, it is time for Africans irrespective of their ages, economic classes, ethnicities, genders, nationalities, political ideologies,religions,and tribes to cease being so passive, indifferent, or fatalistic when it comes to American Presidential Election Year Politics. This is particularly the case for those Africans with political and other public service concerns and aspirations in their own nations and on the continent. Too many Africans say and do nothing during American Presidential Election years waiting to see who will win and which way to lean to get foreign affairs financial and other benefits. Such dependency attitudes and strategies have the same result. Nothing. African Affairs has very little mutually empowerment meaning or concern in too many USA international affairs government and civil society circles even when it comes to dominant American preoccupations in African Affairs such as competing with other super powers , security issues, public health epidemics, sustainable development in education, digital technologies, and business investment, and climate related crises such as massive poverty and starvation.
What do Africans in their vast diversity commonly want and how should such be negotiated with the United States in mutually empowering ways rather than in usual dependency terms?
This is the purpose of the ASARPI African Conversation About US Presidential Election Politics-2024. Come and Join Us on Thursdays as we move towards crafting a Proactive Africa Statement to be distributed to the main US political parties and media by late September.
We are all busy people. Please change your schedule just one Thursday to come to voice your needed appreciated opinion about what more mutually empowerment approaches Americans and Africans should take in Foreign Affairs.
Kind Regards,
“Prof John ” Huston Stanfield
Director ASARPI…asarpi.org
I will join the meeting. Thanks.
Would love to listen and participate if possible.